Political Debate Online
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Fox News Radio will provide live coverage of the first presidential debate with an hour-long pre-show beginning at 8 p.m. ABC News Radio also will offer three hours of live, anchored coverage the. Debate Politics This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.
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© AP In this combination of file photos, former Vice President Joe Biden speaks in Wilmington, Del., on March 12, 2020, left, and President Donald Trump speaks at the White House in Washington on April 5, 2020.The final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is Thursday, Oct. 22, in Nashville, Tennessee.
The debate marks the second showdown between Trump and Biden after Trump's decision to back out of the Oct. 15 debate set off a furious back and forth between the two campaigns on the debate schedule and formats. Trump and Biden ultimately hosted dueling town halls on Oct. 15 on NBC and ABC.
The debate will be hosted by Belmont University in Nashville, and NBC News’ Kristen Welker will serve as moderator.
USA TODAY's nationwide team of journalists will provide facts and context on screen as Trump and Biden debate.
Meet USA TODAY's team of experts:
Ken Alltucker
Ken Alltucker is a consumer health reporter for USA TODAY, covering COVID-19, coronavirus testing, medical billing, drug safety and access to care. Follow him on Twitter: @Kalltucker.
Karl Baker
© Jennifer Corbett, Delaware News Journal Karl BakerKarl Baker is an investigative reporter at DelawareOnline.com/The News Journal in Wilmington, Delaware, covering the space where business and government overlap. Follow him on Twitter: @kbaker6.
Patricia Beall
© Submitted Pat BeallPat Beall is a senior investigative reporter for USA TODAY Network covering the Southeast. She is currently reporting on absentee ballot issues and voting access as part of a USA TODAY partnership with Columbia Journalism Investigations and PBS Frontline.
Deborah Berry
© Jarrad Henderson Deborah Barfield BerryDeborah Barfield Berry is a national reporter for USA TODAY based in Washington, D.C, covering voting rights, civil rights and COVID-19 disparities. Follow her on Twitter: @dberrygannett.
Nathan Bomey
Nathan Bomey is a business reporter for USA TODAY, covering autos, bankruptcy, misinformation and general business issues. Follow him on Twitter: @NathanBomey.
Beth Burger
Beth Burger covers environment, science and agriculture. She is based in Columbus, Ohio, as part of the USA TODAY Network. Follow her on Twitter: @ByBethBurger.
Marco della Cava
Marco della Cava is a national correspondent based in San Francisco, where his coverage has ranged across culture, technology and politics and has included interviews with California governor Gavin Newsom and profiles of Sen. Kamala Harris. His previous postings for USA TODAY include Los Angeles, London and Washington, D.C. Follow him on Twitter: @marcodellacava.
Paul Davidson
Paul Davidson is an economics reporter for USA TODAY who covers the economy and job market as well as small business and trade issues. Follow him on Twitter: @PDavidsonusat.
Kristine Phillips
Kristine Phillips covers justice and legal issues for USA TODAY. Previously, she was a national and breaking news reporter for the Washington Post. Follow her on Twitter: @bykristinep.
John Fritze
John Fritze is a White House correspondent for USA TODAY and has covered politics for nearly two decades. Follow him on Twitter: @jfritze.
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson covers the Justice Department and national law enforcement issues. He joined USA TODAY in 1994 after working at the Los Angeles Times and the San Antonio Light.
Joey Garrison
© Sam Simpkins Joey GarrisonJoey Garrison is national political reporter for USA TODAY, covering the 2020 presidential race including mail-voting, election security issues and the campaigns. Follow him on Twitter: @joeygarrison.
Alan Gomez
© Jack Gruber, USAT Alan GomezAlan Gomez is a Miami-based reporter for USA TODAY, covering immigration, voter suppression and Hispanic voting in the 2020 election. Follow him on Twitter: @alangomez.
Maureen Groppe
© Jack Gruber, USA TODAY USA TODAY staff Maureen GroppeMaureen Groppe is a Washington correspondent for USA TODAY, covering Congress and the vice president. She's been in Washington since late 1992 and joined Gannett in late 2000 as the Washington reporter for Indianapolis Star and other Indiana papers statewide. She has covered Vice President Mike Pence since his first day in Congress, January 2001. Follow her on Twitter: @mgroppe.
Grace Hauck
© Matthew Sobocinski Grace HauckGrace Hauck is a Breaking News Reporter for USA TODAY based in Chicago. She has been writing the Coronavirus Watch newsletter since early March. Follow her on Twitter: @grace_hauck.
Kim Hjelmgaard
© Finn Hjelmgaard Kim HjelmgaardKim Hjelmgaard is an international correspondent, based in London. He covers foreign affairs for USA TODAY. He's on Twitter: @khjelmgaard.
Bart Jansen
Bart Jansen covers 2020 politics for USA TODAY. He has also covered the departments of Justice and Homeland Security. Follow him on Twitter: @ganjansen.
Rick Jervis
Rick Jervis is the Austin-based correspondent for USA TODAY and covers immigration, border security and natural disasters. Previously, he was based in New Orleans, where he covered post-Hurricane Katrina recovery, and Baghdad, where he reported on the aftermath of the 2003 U.S. invasion. Follow on Twitter: @MrRJervis.
Charisse Jones
© Orlett W. Photography Charisse JonesCharisse Jones covers the retail industry as well as workplace issues, including the transformation of jobs, benefits and work-life balance during COVID-19. She also covers employment more broadly and the impact of identity on income, wealth creation and financial stability. Follow her on Twitter: @charissejones.
Debra Krol
© Arizona Republic Debra KrolDebra Utacia Krol is an Indigenous affairs reporter at the Arizona Republic. Her current coverage area, supported by the Catena Foundation and the Water Funder Initiative, is the intersection of climate, culture and commerce. Krol has also reported on wildfires in the West and the Indigenous connection to fire as a land management tool, federal and state land management policies, climate change and fire and the changing nature of fire science. Krol, a citizen of the Xolon Salinan Tribe, has more than two decades of expertise in reporting on Native issues for publications large and small, with an emphasis on environmental and science issues, and has been a contributor to two books on Native traditions. Follow her on Twitter: @Debkrol.
Matt Leclercq
© USA TODAY Network Matt LeclercqMatt Leclercq is part of USA TODAY's national news planning team, which includes working with editors from across the USA TODAY Network and managing content for 1A and print news sections. He was a reporter and editor in North Carolina for 20 years, including executive editor at The Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer, before becoming national news editor for GateHouse Media in Austin, Texas, in 2019. He joined USA TODAY in April 2020. Follow him on Twitter: @Matt_Leclercq.
Keith Matheny
© Staff Keith MathenyPolitical Debate Live Online
Keith Matheny is based in Detroit, and covers the Great Lakes, the environment, science and climate change for Detroit Free Press, part of the USA TODAY Network. Follow him on Twitter: @keithmatheny.
Jessica Menton
© Jessica Menton Jessica MentonJessica Menton is a personal finance and markets reporter for USA TODAY, covering financial markets, economics, unemployment, real estate and taxes. Follow her on Twitter: @JessicaMenton.
Carlos R. Munoz
Carlos R. Munoz covers environmental issues, such as the Florida red tide toxic algal bloom that crushed tourism and killed sea life in Southwest Florida for two years; breaking news and weather for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune in the USA TODAY Network-Florida. He covered Hurricane Irma and the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle. Follow him on Twitter: @ReadCarlos.

Meredith Newman
© Jennifer Corbett, Delaware News Journal Meredith NewmanMeredith Newman is a reporter at DelawareOnline.com/The News Journal in Wilmington, Delaware, where she covers healthcare and Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Follow her on Twitter: @MereNewman.
Jayne O'Donnell
Jayne O'Donnell is USA TODAY’s health policy reporter and co-founder of the Urban Health Media Project, which trains high school students of color in multimedia health and social issue journalism. She has been with USA TODAY since 1993 and started covering health with the launch of the Affordable Care Act exchanges in October 2013. Follow her on Twitter: @JayneODonnell.
Mark Olalde
© Staff Mark OlaldeMark Olalde is an environment reporter with The Desert Sun, a USA TODAY Network newspaper in Palm Springs, California. He has investigated issues of oil and gas extraction, climate change, wildfires, mining and agriculture in regions ranging from southern Africa to the Caribbean and the American West. Follow him on Twitter: @MarkOlalde.
Dinah Voyles Pulver
Dinah Voyles Pulver is a reporter on USA TODAY's investigations team, specializing in environmental issues, with more than 25 years experience covering weather, water, climate change, sea level rise, wildfires and wildlife. A former health care reporter, she also has helped with the team’s coverage of PPE shortages this year. Follow her on Twitter: @dinahvp.
Chris Quintana
© USA TODAY Chris QuintanaChris Quintana is an education reporter for USA TODAY covering how people navigate America's complicated higher education system. Recently, his work has focused on how the coronavirus has disrupted students' attempts to graduate. Follow him on Twitter: @CQuintanaDC.
Adrianna Rodriguez
© Matthew Sobocinski, USAT Adrianna RodriguezAdrianna Rodriguez is a health reporter for USA TODAY, covering general health and patient safety during the coronavirus pandemic. Follow her on Twitter: @AdriannaUSAT.
Erin Richards
Erin Richards is a national education reporter, based in Milwaukee, covering the politics and policy of K-12 schools and trends affecting teachers and families. Follow her on Twitter: @emrichards.
Deirdre Shesgreen
Deirdre Shesgreen is a foreign affairs reporter for USA TODAY, covering the State Department and U.S. foreign policy from Iran to North Korea to Syria. Follow her on Twitter: @dshesgreen.
Courtney Subramanian
© Courtney Subramanian Courtney Subramanian, USA TODAY White House correspondentCourtney Subramanian is White House correspondent for USA TODAY, covering President Donald Trump from the West Wing to the campaign trail. Follow her on Twitter: @cmsub.
Nicquel Terry Ellis
Online Political Debate Chat Room
© Julius Bryant Nicquel Terry Ellis is a national correspondent for USA TODAY.Nicquel Terry Ellis is a national correspondent for USA TODAY who covers race, equality and activism. Follow her on Twitter: @NTerryEllis.
Susan Tompor
© Cameron Pollack, Detroit Free Press Susan TomporSusan Tompor is a personal finance columnist for the Detroit Free Press and USA TODAY. She focuses on consumer watchdog issues and how economic upheaval hits pocketbooks. Follow her on Twitter: @tompor.
Tom Vanden Brook
Tom Vanden Brook has covered the Pentagon for USA TODAY since 2006. Follow him on Twitter: @tvanden.
Karen Weintraub
Online Political Debate Forums
© none Karen WeintraubKaren Weintraub is a Health reporter for USA TODAY covering COVID-19, coronavirus vaccine development and patient safety. Follow her on Twitter: @kweintraub.
Political Debate Nz Watch Online
Beth Weise
Political Debate Online
Elizabeth Weise is a Health and science reporter for USA TODAY covering COVID-19 vaccine development, production and distribution. Follow her on Twitter: @eweise.
Chris Woodyard
Chris Woodyard is USA TODAY's Los Angeles bureau chief and has worked as a reporter and editor in the News and Money sections for more than two decades. Follow him on Twitter: @chriswoodyard.
Elinor Aspegren
Elinor Aspegren is an intern covering education and breaking news for USA TODAY. She's a 2020 graduate of Pitzer College. Follow her on Twitter: @elinoraspegren.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Watch the presidential debate with live fact-checking by USA TODAY's team of experts